The City of Mansfield, Texas, in accordance with Texas regulations passed in 1995, states that all testable backflow prevention assemblies shall be tested upon installation by a recognized backflow prevention assembly tester. Annual Backflow testing is necessary to ensure that polluted water does not flow back into the City’s potable water supply as a result
Posted in City Backflow Regulations
Tagged backflow, city backflow testing, mansfield backflow testing

The City of Keller, Texas maintains a water quality and control policy to ensure that all citizens of Keller are provided with clean, potable water. To that end, Keller has a Backflow Testing and Backflow Prevention Program, designed to make sure that the harmful effects of backflow never foul the city’s water supply. Keller city

What is a back flow preventor? It is exactly what its name implies, a device which prevents back flow. Seems fairly straightforward, doesn’t it, unless you don’t know what backflow is, in which case it sounds like Ancient Greek. So let’s start with backflow. Backflow occurs when the water in your pipes reverses direction and
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