A RPZ refers to a reduced pressure zone and applies in any discussion about reduced water pressure situations in a disruption of the water supply. Where a RPZ occurs, a RPZD, or reduced pressure zone device, is needed to prevent back pressure, or back-siphonage, from occurring. A RPZ is a redundant design, providing several safety
Posted in Backflow Testing
Tagged backflow preventers, backflow testing, city backflow testing, rpz, rpzd
Ames backflow devices and preventers are the very best in the fight against backflow, and City Backflow Testing relies on them to protect your home and business
A backwater valve is also known as a backflow valve. The purpose of these valves is to guard against the sudden reversal of water flow due to a loss in water pressure within the pipes. For individual homeowners this loss of water pressure could result in contaminated sewer water backing up into the house, or
Posted in Backflow Testing
Tagged backflow preventers, backflow testing, backflow valve, backwater valve
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