Backflow Prevention is a scary and confusing term when first heard and truth be told, most homeowners experience backflow prevention daily and don’t even realize it. In fact, most homeowners don’t even know what backflow is, even though underneath their feet, backflow is guarded against constantly. So let’s delve into this mystery. What is backflow

If you have a backflow device protecting your water supply, and you should have, chances are it is a 2 backflow preventer, meaning it is 2-inches in diameter. Chances are also great it is a Wilkins backflow preventer since Wilkins is one of the leading manufacturers of backflow devices. And if you live in Texas,

As part of Phase II of the Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program, storm water discharges from small municipalities located in urbanized areas are required to employ a program that reduces pollutants from storm water runoff. This is also in accordance with the Federal Clean Water Act and state and local regulations. This program protects
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