- Written by water
From the Westlake, Texas, Public Works website regarding Westlake backflow prevention:
“PROGRAM START: All existing and new backflow prevention assembly test reports and customer service inspections are required to be submitted through the SC Tracking Solutions tool at www.sctrackingsolutions.com. Paper reports will no longer be accepted. First notices go out to commercial/residential properties whose backflow prevention assembly tests are due and/or past due.”
Now let’s take a closer look at this section to see how it affects you, the property owner in Westlake, Texas.
Who receives a backflow test notice?
The website information only mentions that notices will be sent out to commercial/residential property owners, but it does not say who they are. As with all cities in the United States, this designation is determined on a case-by-case basis, depending upon the volume of water flowing into a particular property. The more the volume the higher the risk of back flow, and the more likely you will be on that list. For information regarding your property in Westlake, Texas, contact the Public Works Department. A complete list of “backflow risk properties” can be obtained through that department.
What happens during backflow testing?
We can take you through the process we use when conducting backflow inspections and backflow testing. We are City Backflow Testing, serving a large part of Tarrant County, including Westlake, so our information is updated and accurate. Our backflow testing steps are as follows:
We use USC 10th Addition Testing Procedures:
- Notify- Notify the customer we are here for testing of backflow prevention devices
- Identify- Make sure serial number is correct and that we have the right assembly
- Inspect- Make sure there are 4 test ports and 2 Shut off handles
- Observe- Attach test equipment and follow proper testing procedures for this assembly
- Test Reports- Enter values for the assemblies
- Turn in all test Reports to the local water Purveyor or City
How much does backflow testing cost?
The cost is dependent upon a number of factors, but generally a backflow test will cost between $100-$200 in Westlake. For more information regarding your particular situation, call us at (817) 996-2000 for rates.
What if you need a backflow repair?
As with any mechanical device, backflow parts and backflow devices will wear down in time and will need to be replaced. Only approved backflow parts can be used, and proper documentation must be filed with the city when new parts are installed. In addition, the yearly backflow testing must be documented and filed with the city using the procedures mentioned at the beginning of this article.
Our first recommendation is that you call the Public Works Department in Westlake and find out if you are required to have a backflow device on your property. Our next suggestion is that you can us, City Backflow Testing, for all of your backflow inspections, backflow installations, and backflow repairs. Why settle for second best when City Backflow Testing is standing by ready to handle any problems you might have? Our number, again, is (817) 996-2000. Call us for an appointment and for a quote rate.
Posted in Backflow Prevention